
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Just a regular 'ol post...

So I realize that I haven't blogged in a few weeks. Mainly because I haven't been cooking. Gasp. Yes...this is true. Unfortunately. Well I shouldn't say I haven't been cooking, unless putting something in the microwave to heat up isn't consider cooking?? :) A few weeks ago, Matt had to go for a week to Fort Irwin, CA...aka the desert. He sent me a picture of the drive from the airport and let's just say...BORING!!! He had to go with his brigade to do some sort of something with some people. Haha. I really didn't understand. I just knew he was gone. So, I had to come up with things to do. My week consisted of watching Netflix, working out (surprised???), and running random errands. I took Maggie to the vet. She was scared as usual. She's been scared of the vet ever since she was spayed. I can imagine it'd scare me too. Going in somewhere and coming out in pain. But she did great. We went on post to Fort Carson. The whole appointment was about 20 minutes long. That included the shots and tests and waiting. I thought the staff was really nice and they loved Maggie.

View from Carson
Of course after the initial scary visit with the nice Vet, she was much better and was showing off for the staff. Typical. I am sad that we weren't able to live on post. It's so beautiful with the mountains right there. I mean we can see the mountains from our house, but they aren't as close as they are at Carson.

Maggie's birthday was also while Matt was gone. We also semi-celebrated Tiggie's birthday as well. Hers is very close to Maggie's.

We had a "girls night" (haha)...which consisted of me, Maggie, Millie, and Tiggie eating a little bit of carrot cake (raisins removed) and playing with a new squeaky toy for Maggie (which kind of looks like a squirrel??) and a cute fish toy for the cats.

It was really cute watching the cats play with their toy. It suctions to the window and they can play by themselves or I can take it off and play with them. I think it was the best $1 whatever I spent. :)

On that Saturday, I tried out a new place to get my hair cut. This has been the hardest thing for me moving because since I was 13 I had the same hairdresser. I love her and how she knows my hair. She has set a pretty high standard so I judge people against her. :) I went to a place that is actually about 10 minutes away from the house and had a nice woman named Missy cut my hair. She did really good work. She was very attentive to making sure my hair was perfect. It felt good to get it into some sort of shape. I got about 4 inches cut off and it's still long. I also got my hair re-layered of course. I think I'll end up going back to her. She was really nice and easy to talk to. The hair place was in a strip mall type area so I was a little nervous, but I had done a lot of research and they had gotten pretty good reviews. Of course initially I really wanted to go to this place that got great reviews and the bonus was the owner dresses up in drag on Fridays!! :) It's kind of far away though and was looking for something closer for convenience. Darn, right?? I love fun places like that.

Yea my hairs all messed up
After my hair appointment I decided to go try on clothes at Chico's. My mom works there now and she was wondering what size I was there. The sizes are confusing! 00, 0, 1, 2, 3....what?!?! I guess it does make you feel slightly good for once to be like "yea I wear a 00 or 0 or whatever" haha! Luckily my mom had told me what the "real world" sizes would equal in Chico's world. It was fun trying on clothes because I really haven't gone shopping. I really need to of course. Especially if I get a job anytime soon (ugh...big time stressed about this). My Express pants don't fit me anymore. They look like parachute pants and then I look ghetto with them hanging on my hips. I keep getting nervous about interviews. I think one pair that I didn't wear too much is okay...big, but okay. I just wouldn't want to go in and them thinking that I look unkempt. Anyway it was great trying on clothes. They have some really neat blouses that I was told by my mom that after you dry them in the dryer you pull them out and they are good to go, wrinkle free! They come in really pretty colors too. After trying things on I went into Starbucks. I got my usual Grande Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato and that was my lunch for the day. Later that day I went to the gym, of course, and tried out a new (to me) Les Mills class called Body Attack. It was actually a lot of fun. It was a 30 minute class (it's normally an hour), so it was fun to try it out. As I type this, I'm trying to decide if I want to go to the class today as well (*Update: I did go. It was fuuuuun!). After Body Attack was Body Pump 30 and then CXWORX. So I actually stayed for all three. They were all 30 minutes so for just an hour and thirty minutes of work, I was able to do different things. It actually went by really quick.

I started watching Grey's Anatomy among other shows on Netflix. I had never really gotten into the series until I started watching some of the episodes on Lifetime. Definitely funny and good. I know I'm however many years late on that one. My bad. I also did a Harry Potter marathon. The week actually went by rather fast. I think the animals knew something was going on during this week....because they were acting really odd. Like Tiggie trying to "dig" out of the coffee table???

And Millie playing dead? This picture cracks me up. What cat lays like this???

Here is a top view. Strangest cat I've ever known. She doesn't really like to be held or pet...unless it's up to her. Every time I do try to pet her she looks like I'm about to smack her. Which I've never hit her or any of my animals for that matter (maybe popped Maggie on the bottom for being bad...but that's it!). Then every time I walk or look like I'm going to walk near the basement stairs she darts across my feet trying to go down there to get to their food which we keep in the bathroom down there. It's like I starve them. She's a sweet kitty though. Just odd.

I don't think I mentioned it in the blog yet, but a few weeks ago Matt and I went to Estes Park, CO. I got to see the famous Stanley Hotel, which was surprisingly smaller inside than what I thought it was going to be. There was a wedding going on that day so parts were blocked off. But we still got to go inside and look around. I am trying to persuade Matt to book us a room just for one night there :) CREEEEEPPYYYYYYY!!! I don't think I'd be able to sleep. It's a really pretty area though. Very Colorado.

Do you see the chipmunk??
Matt also took me into the Rocky Mountain National Park. Military get in free. :) The whole way up he kept talking to me about all these elk and bighorn sheep and the chipmunks. So I was pretty excited. Especially about the chipmunks. Well. The elk and sheep did not think making an appearance was important that day. But that's okay because I got to feed and see and even hold (for a second) chipmunks!!!!  They were so cute. They'd come and take the peanut out of your hand. The view was absolutely stunning from where we were. I'm so happy that we did it and I'm planning on taking my parents (and auntie if she comes!!) to the park as well. It's just really beautiful.

This week Matt has been living out of his truck. The commander set up a war game type thing on post and they have been doing that all week until odd hours. I was able to sneak over to Carson to see him and give him a few things he needed on Tuesday night. But hadn't seen him since until last night he randomly got to come home and sleep in a bed! I was really excited to see him. This week has been ubber boring. I wasn't really prepared like I was for Irwin. It really stinks to not have a job and have to figure out things to keep you busy all day. I've been very stressed about finding a job. Not just for spending money for myself, but also just for something to do. I've applied to everything under the sun and haven't even gotten an interview. It's very discouraging and I often feel like I'm either over qualified or something is preventing me from getting a job. I won't say any more on that. But it's been in the back of my mind as far as recommendations go. I feel like no one is giving me a chance. Of course, I don't have many networks built up here yet. I did meet with the brigade wives group on last Thursday which was super fun. It felt very sorority-like (which I loved). The CO's wife is super nice and easy to talk to. We met at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort, which is another beautiful place to be. I told Matt that he and I should go there to have a drink or something. The view is spectacular. I've also reached out to the Gamma Phi alumni group here and will hopefully be getting to know them soon; as well as the Aggie group here--Pike's Peak Aggies. Which we will get to meet them on GAME DAY #1 in the SEC!!! So I'm trying. It's just really hard to know that you have a lot to offer, but no one is biting. I know I just have to know someone who knows someone. I applied for a History aide job here at a charter school for grades 7-12...definitely qualified!!! And wasn't even given a chance. I was told by one of the wives who has been a teacher for years that it was because they probably already knew someone for the job. She was utterly baffled that I didn't get it. Which made me feel good because at least I'm not crazy. I know I have to be patient. But it's just a huge let down. All of it. I am in the process of getting my substitute license here which is a good back up plan. It'd let me work when I wanted to as far as going back to school. Just not exactly the job I had in mind. It's a weird long process though. And very headache inducing.

Front yard..possible grass
This week our lawn was actually worked on. About time. The sprinkler guy came and fixed the sprinklers. Then the lawn people came and sprayed the weeds one day and then came back two days later and put down dirt and seed. I was really preferring sod to be honest. But I'll take whatever! As long as it's not dirt and weeds anymore. Matt pointed out this morning when he left again at 5am that there was some grass sprouting up! Yay!

Back yard...used to be covered in weeds
I've just been really embarrassed by the lawn even though it wasn't our fault at all. It was a big disappointment when we showed up and there wasn't a lawn like there had been in the pictures we were sent. But it's progress and we are hoping that the grass will keep growing. Of course there are all these rules for winter watering and stuff, so hopefully my head doesn't explode and I do it correctly. I've been wanting to invite people over like from Matt's work and stuff. But it's just been so gross in the backyard and front that I just have refused. I love to entertain as many of you know, so I wanted everything to be perfect. I can't wait to use the backyard and our fire pit! :)

Well I guess that's about it. I really haven't been doing anything different this week or last week. Lame. Hopefully this war game thing will be over soon and Matt will actually get to rest. I've felt so sorry for him. He's been getting 3-4 hours of sleep, if that, a night. He's some sort of important person in this whole process and has been doing really great at it! He's an awesome leader :) So hopefully, fingers crossed, next week I'll be back to my cooking. But I guess this was a good change of pace. Until next time!! Have a great weekend! :)

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