So I said a while back that I was going to be posting a great Fish and Chips recipe that I made ohhh back in March I think? And it's baked!! Of course I'll post about the yummy "trip" we took this past Tuesday, but for now...onto England!
Serves 4
Olive oil cooking spray
1 1/2 lbs russet potatoes, scrubbed and cut into 1/4 inch thick wedges
4 teaspoons canola oil
1 1/2 teaspoons Cajun or Creole seasoning, divided (I used Creole)
2 cups cornflakes
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large egg whites, beaten
1 pound Cod or haddock, cut into 4 pieces* (I used haddock)
*Note: This is from the Eating Well website in regards to the fish. "Overfishing and trawling have drastically reduced the number of cod in
the U.S. and Canadian Atlantic Ocean and destroyed its sea floor. For
sustainably fished cod, choose U.S. Pacific cod or Atlantic cod from
Iceland and the northeast Arctic. For more information, visit Monterey
Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch at"
First things to do are set your oven racks in the upper and lower third of the oven. Then preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Coat a baking sheet with the cooking spray, as well as a wire rack which is set on another baking sheet.
Next thing is to wash your potatoes in a colander. Pay dry and cut into the wedges.
Once in wedges, toss the potatoes in the canola oil and 3/4 teaspoons of the Cajun or Creole seasoning in a large bowl until coated. Spread them out on the baking sheet and pop them into the oven on the lower rack, turning every 10 minutes for a total of 30-35 minutes.
Meanwhile, coarsely grind the cornflakes in a food processor or even crush in a sealed plastic bag. Transfer this to a shallow bowl.
In another bowl, place the flour, the other 3/4 teaspoons of the Cajun or Creole seasoning, and the salt. And finally in a third bowl, place your beaten egg whites. I did a little assembly line! Dredge your fish in the flour, dip it in the egg whites, and finally coat all sides evenly with the cornflakes. Then place the fish on the wire rack. And repeat!
Coat the fish with more cooking spray and pop it into the oven on the upper rack for about 20 minutes until golden brown and crisp.

I've never had fish and chips from England, but this recipe was AMAZING!! Matt, who isn't a big fan of fish (I'm working on him!), LOVED IT! It's was super crispy and very tasty. I know I will make it again.
Per serving it was 325 calories! Not bad in my book. I, of course, served it with a salad and had tartar sauce and ketchup for it as well.
Here's the recipe:
Oven Fried Fish and Chips

Things are coming along here at the house for the most part. I am still trying to get used to where everything is, etc. There are still a lot of boxes in the basement to go through, but we plan to do that a few weekends or so at a time. Not too stressed about it. We bought some flowers this past weekend and I was able to plant them today! I am really excited to be adding some color and can't wait until our yard is normal again because there's a flower box in the front that is screaming for flowers! :) We bought snapdragons, petunias, and marigolds for the flower boxes that sit on the deck. And then for the hanging baskets we bought dahlias (I think?) in yellow and pink. Here's hoping they stay alive!! I want to plant an herb garden down in the back yard under one of the trees and try my hand at some vegetables. I'm thinking tomatoes at first. Then maybe something else. Right now my mind has been focused on finding a job. I've applied for quite a few and haven't heard back. It's really frustrating especially with absolutely no connections here. I feel over qualified for everything that I've looked at, but all I want is a job that I feel good about doing. No matter what it is. Too often in the past I've felt not appreciated and like I wasn't making a difference. I don't want to get caught in that rut again. Simply because I have a hard time giving up on something. I always stick it out, no matter how hard it is. Unfortunately this isn't always the best choice. I know there has to be something out there for me, but it's hard to see what that is! So that's where I am job where. :-/ Hopefully I have better luck soon!! Pray that the right job comes along for me! I really would appreciate it!
Love the Fish recipe. Just hang in there kiddo...relax and enjoy the mountains... LOL