I'm not going to lie...this weekend was pretty fun. And not that many people care what I did this weekend, I just thought I'd share for the heck of it!
It all started with a birthday celebration on Friday night. Matt reserved a room at the Hilton President Hotel in Downtown Kansas City which is within walking distance of the Power and Light District. We had gone to the P&L before a few months ago and enjoyed it so much that we wanted to go back. So what better time to do it than for my birthday! We got to the hotel at about 3:00pm on Friday because our initial plan was to find a pool/hot tub somewhere and just chill out. Unfortunately, we did not find this. Oh well! We still were able to explore the hotel and as a History buff...I was in Heaven! The rooms are modern, but the hotel itself is almost as if you've taken a step back in time. The hotel was completed in 1926 and has been restored to that era after sitting for something like 25 years abandoned after it closed in 1980. It's lobby is really grand looking and you can almost imagine people being in the sitting area dressed in 20s/30s clothes. They have an area with items/pictures from the 1940s/50s in a little "gallery" type area. These items were things such as plates, a very elaborate door knob, even a hotel bill--which had a total price of a little under $14 for a two night stay plus a room outgoing phone call. If only! Right? :)
After our little tour we decided to start getting ready. Once ready we headed out with friends to Howl at the Moon. Always an enjoyable venue. It always amazes me how great the entertainers are. They are all so talented playing all those instruments and singing. There of course was a bachelorette party there...which is always entertaining to watch. Matt and I were briefly distracted watching our San Antonio Spurs kick butt. I'm happy they are doing so well this year. I just wish we were still in San Antonio to enjoy it! We decided to leave Howl at the Moon and head over to Shark Bar. Which I'm now in love with. Seriously. Any place that plays 80s/90s music and that also isn't afraid to play N*SYNC or Backstreet Boys songs is #1 in my book. Sounds cheesy, but I love listening to songs from my childhood...even if they are boy bands! :) I had a lot of fun though and really hope we can go back there maybe just one more time before we leave Kansas.
Deep in the Heart of Texas! |
Saturday we stayed mainly around the Leavenworth area. Matt has had some work to do with school so he's been busy with that. He did take me to Cracker Barrel for breakfast which was a treat. I had some grits...a newly discovered love. I used to think it was so gross that my mom liked grits, but they are pretty good. Of course Matt calls them guts. HAHA!! But that's okay. More for me! Right? :) Saturday was Aggie Muster and we both wanted to go, but with so much work for Matt we had to miss it. It's a tradition I really miss going to in Aggieland and made me miss Texas a bit this weekend. So I took a picture of our flag while sitting on our porch :) It was also San Jacinto Day! Felt good to be a Texan this weekend! Also as a side note...thought about a little English history as well. On 21 April 1509, Henry VIII took the throne and became king of England, ruling for almost 38 years. Definitely not related to A&M or Texas history...but still a fun fact! Consider yourself enlightened!!! :)
Sunday was NASCAR! This was my second race and I'm going to say I really like NASCAR. It's GREAT people watching. In fact on Friday, we encountered some great people watching at the hotel when we first got there. And we knew they were in town for NASCAR. How'd we know? NASCAR shirts...mullets...and lots and LOTS of beer. We are pretty sure they were already drunk at 3pm on Friday arriving at the hotel. They were entertaining to watch...and slightly annoying seeing as though it took them about 30 minutes to get out of two cars--fancy town cars no less. Anyway! Great people watching. The only disappointment really was there weren't any crashes!! I was never hoping for a gigantic-people getting hurt crash...but maybe just a crash and spin around, lots of tire squealing. Didn't happen. Didn't happen in October either! It must be my luck! :) It was fun nonetheless. The rest of Sunday was spent relaxing and watching the new episode of The Borgias. Definitely a fun weekend and definitely slept well Sunday night. :)

This week we are busy preparing for a Fiesta Taco Bar this Friday at our house hosted by yours truly and Steph! The idea came not from Cinco de Mayo, but from Fiesta happening in San Antonio right as I type this! Fiesta is something, aside from Rodeo, that I really have come to enjoy being from San Antonio. It's a 10 day, city wide event which stemmed from a celebration of the heroes from the Battle of San Jacinto and the Alamo and was first started in 1891 with a Battle of Flowers parade. Fiesta is now a ton of fun events with the parade still occurring towards the end of Fiesta on a Friday (this Friday in fact!). In fact, the Elementary/Middle School I went to participates in the parade with a float every year as a 2nd grade class. You get to be on it too! The year I was on it, the theme was Around the World in 80 Days. We had a lot of fun costumes. I was a San Francisco show girl..or something like that. My outfit was purple and it was kind of 1800s type long saloon dress. If I could find a picture I would post it. I even got to wear a feather in my hair. The thing I most remember about it: 1. it was hot...2. our float ran a curb causing the belt holding me up, since I was standing, to hurt my tummy 3. it was hot and 4. my wrist and arm really hurt for waving for however many hours. Did I mention it was really hot? It was fun though and not EVERYONE can say they were in the Battle of Flowers parade! Fiesta is always a fun time because there is always this energy in the city during this time. It was great during school too because you got a day off on the Battle of Flowers day.. tee hee! But while Matt was working in SA with the Recruiting Battalion, we were able to go to some of the VIP events (which heightened my Fiesta experience) such as the King's Reception where we ate hors d'oeuvres off little waiter passed plates, rubbed elbows with the Mayor and were able to meet a lot of other big wig people in San Antonio..among them of course was Rey Feo, the King of Fiesta! It was pretty swanky and made me feel fancy. :) I think, though, the events and being more involved during that time in the city made me feel more pride in San Antonio--especially since most, if not all, events are charitable events for the city and different organizations.
Fiesta 2012 Poster |
So I guess in my theme of missing Texas/San Antonio, I thought hmmm taco bar. :) Fiesta taco bar! I can't wait and hope it'll be fun for everyone coming. I'm sure I'll take pictures, although I can't promise many since I always forget when I get busy! I'll leave you, though, with this year's Fiesta poster! Viva Fiesta :)
I love your blog. Texas misses you too.....