Many people may not know, but this blog has been in the making for almost a year now. I know that may sound pathetic, especially since I've been unemployed since July of 2011 (willingly!); one would think I would have enough time obviously. However, when I set out to do this I thought that no one would really want to read the same thing everyday! "Woke up today, went to Body Pump/RPM (depending on the day!), came home, did household things, Matt came home, went to the gym for round two, came home, ate dinner, went to bed." Definitely BORING! And even though that's what I STILL DO
EVERYDAY as of right now, life has been pretty interesting lately. So I figured I could do a lot of things with a blog. Keep in touch with family/friends. Share my recipes (low calorie and TASTY!!!) along with my "culinary trips" around the world. Other musings/events! Pictures! The possibilities are endless! :)
So what exactly have I been doing?? Good question! :) In July of 2011, Matt and I embarked on our "journey" to the First City in Kansas--aka Leavenworth! He was to be in a year long leadership course called Command and General Staff College (CGSC); where all the Majors in the military learn to be
good fantastic! leaders :) So we came here and were able to get a great house living on Post and settled into life--just the hubs, me, and our three animals. This was my first time living on an Army post and I'll tell you the truth...I think it's awesome. I have really enjoyed getting to know neighbors and people that Matt goes to class with. Everyone is so nice and helpful. It's very humbling to have this positive generosity around you all the time. I honestly think that another positive experience was for me to take a year off of work to decide what I really would like to do with my life, since other professions really haven't panned out. I feel though the most important thing that I've accomplished here personally is getting back into shape. I've really pushed myself and the hard work has paid off. I started taking classes at the gym on post in August and thanks to my partner in crime, Stephanie, I was introduced to RPM and Body Pump. Both
great and
challenging classes. Not to be preachy about them or anything, but they really have been a big confidence booster for me. I just feel
great and it's hard not to brag that I'm within
two pounds of being at my high school weight again!! I really think I'm stronger (in more ways than one) than I was when I was playing Varsity volleyball and that's saying something seeing as though our coach had us strength training a lot! :) It's just something I needed to do while I was here. Focus on myself. Because somewhere along the way I lost that drive to focus on me. Instead of focusing on everyone else or everything else going on in my life. It's made me a happier person to not have that stress in my life of everything going on around me. And I'm sure Matt's a happier person too. Since I've ceased complaining all the time. Tee hee! The quote for this year at Leavenworth is that it's supposed to be "The Best Year of Your Life" ...and I know everyone jokes about it here, but for me it really has been the best year of my life.
Besides working out, Matt and I have had so many exciting opportunities along the way. We had a lot of fun socials during August and September to get to know everyone in Matt's small group. In October, along with getting to see my parents and celebrating our one year wedding anniversary (yay!), Stephanie and I planned a joint small group Halloween Party between Matt's group and her sweetie pie's group (Rich!). It was so much fun to plan and decorate. We definitely went all out. Matt and I also got to experience.... NASCAR!!! Which was the most exciting however many hours ever! Although there were no crashes; the roar of the engines is really exhilarating! :) We also had a wine and cheese party in December that was a lot of fun to plan for. I'd been wanting to do one for ages really. Everyone brought a cheese and wine pairing. There were a lot of great cheeses...and wines! :) Matt and I traveled home for Thanksgiving, as well as for Christmas. We stayed about two weeks in San Antonio during Christmas which was very enjoyable! We got to meet up with family and friends that we had left behind and take it easy for the most part. In January, Matt started his basketball season! It has been a lot of fun watching him play. The group of people he's been on a team with are amazingly nice! Their last game was actually tonight. They have been in playoffs and lost. But it's been a really great season and I've seen all of them get so much better as the season progressed! February brought more basketball games and a lovely Valentine's day...complete with Star Wars 3D tickets for Matt and a grand adventure through CGSC halls for Stephanie and I...we baked cookies and surprised Matt and Rich with them by "sneaking" into their classrooms when they weren't there! How no one asked
WHY we were running through the halls and back areas of that building...I have no idea. But it was
A LOT of sneaky fun for us both!! :) Matt's parents also visited in February and we were able to tag along to the WWI museum in Kansas City. It's a great museum and really portrayed the war in a different perspective to me. For those who know me well, I'm more interested in Tudor History than war type history, but I really enjoyed it a lot!! The beginning of March brought the "Invasion of the Brits!" Best two weeks of my life. I repeat the comment about the love of Tudor/British history. Now add actual people from Britain who can talk about the stuff with me. I was in
HEAVEN. They were awesome people. Lots of great personalities and they
definitely knew how to fun. :) Matt had a Spring Break about the third week in March where we traveled to Colorado Springs/Fort Carson, Colorado. This is where we get to
LIVE for the next two to three years!!! We are so excited. It is absolutely breathtaking. We went to look for houses and basically familiarize ourselves with the area. I really think we are going to enjoy living there.
A LOT. When Matt and I got back from our trip, Matt started electives which meant less time in class and more time to spend with yours truly! :) Yippee!! Insert picture of Matt rolling his eyes. Haha! Actually during the second part of his electives, he's taking a self study class and we've decided to study together. Me for my GRE and him...well for something engineering, I think? We'll keep each other motivated nonetheless! April so far has brought my birthday! Which was great! I was able to Skype with my Aunt, Mom, and Dad and allow them to see me open my gifts! Technology is great for special times like that! Although it's not physically being there; you still get to see each other! This coming weekend is my birthday celebration (along with another
FUN TRIP TO NASCAR!!). We are going to the Power and Light District. It should be a great time. Matt and I have been there one other time (with the Brits actually) and really enjoyed it. Kind of swanky. Kind of clubby. We stayed mostly in Howl at the Moon. Which, I'm sad to say, is better here than in San Antonio. Sorry SA Howl at the're a little too touristy for me!
So as you can see, it's been a busy year so far. And that's just stuff I can remember off the top of my head really. I know we still have 2+ months left here...but we have 2+ months left. And they are going to go fast. Time really does fly when you're having fun, meeting new people, and enjoying life. But now that you are all caught up with my grand adventure in little 'ol Leavenworth, you can come back to see what new stuff I'm enjoying! Plus...this is already too long to be honest. And I apologize! So stop by again tomorrow for a new culinary trip for me and my great guinea pig (aka Matthew...heehee!) Goodnight!